
Network of Argentine Scientists in Norway and Iceland

Network of Argentine Scientists, Academics, and Researchers in Norway and Iceland (RCIANI)

The networks of Argentine scientists abroad are aimed at coordinating, generating, and maintaining connections with Argentine scientists who are located abroad. In addition, they seek to strengthen, complement, and integrate local scientific research and development capabilities with the world, keeping Argentine work in science and technology connected through networks.

The main objectives are:

  • To promote and strengthen ties between the Argentine scientific community and Argentine scientists residing abroad.
  • To collaborate with the development of science, technology, and productive innovation in our country.
  • To function as advisory bodies and/or generators of proposals for bilateral scientific and technological cooperation, or between our country and the place of residence.

RAICES Platform

It consists of a database of Argentine researchers residing abroad. Its goal is to connect the vast network of professionals dedicated to excellent science and technology around the world.

Researchers registered on the platform will be able to connect with Argentine professionals abroad to share local cooperation opportunities, offer positions in national institutions, and advertise opportunities for activities abroad, among other actions.


Address: Godoy Cruz 2320, 4th floor, CP C1425FQD     

Phone: (54 11) 4899 5000 Ext.  4160/62/44/4                                                                                                                                                                       



Network of Argentine Scientists, Academics, and Researchers in Norway and Iceland (RCIANI)

The Network of Argentine Scientists in Norway and Iceland comprises Argentine scientists, researchers, and academics who are temporarily or permanently residing in both countries.


The primary objectives of RCIANI are to foster communication among Argentine professionals in Norway and Iceland and to facilitate connections between these professionals and local as well as Argentine universities and institutions.


The RCIANI is organized under the leadership of a Scientific Coordinator, a Technical Coordinator, and a Scientific Advisory Committee (CAC). The Scientific Coordinator represents all members of the network, while the Technical Coordinator oversees operational organization. The CAC provides advisory support to members across various areas of scientific knowledge.


The network currently has more than 25 active members.

For any inquiries, please contact: rciani.red@gmail.com